Thames Riverfront

Ontario's Thames River Valley is the most prominent geomorphic feature in London with the confluence of two branches into a third at the Forks. A Canadian Heritage River, it makes outstanding contributions to cultural heritage, natural heritage and recreation. Past, present, or future, the Thames plays a central role in defining the social, cultural, civic, and economic possibilities for London's residents, workers and visitors. The City is experiencing a confluence of planning opportunities that will catalyze transformational changes in the fabric of London, Ontario.
But there is untapped potential, and significant issues that need to be addressed. Flooding is a big problem and must inform every strategy for renewal. Water quality is of equal import, it has a significant effect on the ecologies that can thrive in the corridor, and the social/recreational uses that can be supported. Today, transportation, utility, and flood infrastructure is single-purpose and negatively impacts quality of life. Adjacent urban fabric peters out toward the river, is disconnected, is inaccessible, and fails to link people to the Thames.
Back to the River re-embraces the Thames as the social and environmental lifeblood of the City. It re-knits the urban fabric of the city to the river, and uses the river itself—and the revitalized open spaces along it—as catalysts for urban regeneration within Downtown, SoHo, and nearby neighborhoods.
200 acres
City of London, Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
Dillon Consulting
Rosales + Partners
James Lima Planning + Development
Ombrages - Eclairage Public